Federal Employee FERS Retirement Benefits 101

Your FERS Pension/The FERS Supplement -Check out this article to see when/if you can retire and get a pension. https://hawsfederaladvisors.com/when-can-i-retire-under-fers/ -To calculate your pension and check out this article. https://hawsfederaladvisors.com/your-fers-retirement-pension-calculator/ -You can find an in depth guide to the FERS supplement here. https://hawsfederaladvisors.com/the-fers-supplement-the-ultimate-guide/ Social Security -To help decide when you should start Social Security as a federal employee, check out this article. The TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) -Here is an in depth guide on how to get the most out of your TSP. FEHB (Federal Employee Health Benefits, i.e. Health Insurance) -You can learn more about keeping FEHB into retirement here. FEGLI (Federal Employee Group Life Insurance) There are 4 different parts to FEGLI and they are: Basic, A, B, and C. -All 4 parts are a little different and you can learn what parts are best for you here. FEDVIP (Federal Employee Dental and Vision Insurance Program) -You can find more details on keeping FEDVIP into retirement here. FLTCIP (The Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program) -You can learn more about whether you should enroll in FLTCIP here. Want to schedule a consultation? Click here: https://hawsfederaladvisors.com/work-with-us/ Submit a question here: https://hawsfederaladvisors.com/question-submission-page/ I am a practicing financial planner, but I'm not your financial planner. Please consult with your own tax, legal and financial advisors for personalized advice.